December 14, 2006
2:12 PM
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The Rittenhouse Review
Surgically hacked Alex Kuczynski, "critical shopper" for the New York Times, gets all catty in today's review of Loehmann's, though not so much about the store as about a pair of well known designers:
Loehmann’s is home to the misfit toys of the retail world, the “designer” clothes and purses you’ve never quite heard of, or the major designers who have had a sketchy year. I’ll never forget the year Badgley Mischka gowns filled the evening wear department; within a few months, they were manufacturing a bridge line.
And what, really, to make of this observation, considering the number of times Kuczynski has put herself under the plastic surgeon's blade, proceeding to live and tell about it, incessantly:
Perhaps the store’s most unintentionally famous features are the communal dressing rooms, fluorescent-lighted spaces the size of boxing rings, which, at least in my experience, can house up to 20 women at a time. This is why Loehmann’s is for only the bravest of creatures, women unafraid to bare their fat rolls, dimpled thighs and other unappetizingly jiggly bits without shame. As a teenager years ago, this shocked me, but today it’s kind of a relief to see up close and personal that no one is a supermodel.
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