Today I finally completed my duty as civic-and-arts man-about-town, signing up for what may or, more likely, may not be the last of my memberships to various artistic, historic, and other organizations in the Philadelphia area.
So, as of today, or the day on which my membership cards arrive, count me among the members of: the Academy of Natural Sciences, the American-Swedish Historical Museum, the Atwater-Kent Museum of Philadelphia, the Barnes Collection, the Franklin Institute, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Zoo, and the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. (Actually, I already was a member of several of these institutions. I just rounded out the list today.)
I trust you have long since done the same in your own community. [Post-publication insertion (February 21): You wouldn't want this to happen in your hometown, would you?]
Oh, and on Saturday night, I'm going to hear the Philadelphia Orchestra and the much ballyhooed violinist Midori.

I wonder if I'll ever be known by just a one-word name. Jim. Doesn't really cut it, does it? I'm open to suggestions.
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